


SİRKÜLER NO: 6.12 / 236-142 = 24/04/2023

Üyesi bulunduğumuz FONASBA' dan 20.04.2023 tarihinde almış olduğumuz e- posta mesajı aşağıdaki gibidir.

‘’Dear All,

Please find below a self-explanatory note received from Antonio Belmar da Costa, Director of the Portuguese association AGEPOR (and FONASBA RVP for Europe) on behalf of one of his members relating to new procedures and obligations for the provision of information on containerised cargo to customs authorities in Portugal:

“I am contacting you regarding the new process for sending import and export manifests that Portugal Customs is working on. We are already working with the APS (Sines Port Authority) that leading the technical implementation of this process and following the technical guides they have sent us in order to adapt our files to their requirements.

We are worried because in these guides several of the information required cannot be provided by us, or the shipping line, as we do not have it and, moreover, the customer will not agree to provide it. This includes data such as:

The AU / Authorized trader (transit), CS / Consolidator (Party consolidating various consignments, payments), EE (Location of goods for customs examination before clearance), MF /(Manufacturer of goods) etc.…

Apart from this, in the guides they also require information relating to FROB goods (That is containers remaining in the vessels and not discharged in any time). The APS has informed that this is still not decided but has told us to be ready just in case…as you can imagine this would mean a really big development and we would need to be sure if this is finally a requirement or not. 

Summarizing, we would like to know ECASBA members are aware of any other Customs communication where they indicate the mandatory fields to be included in the Shipping lines manifests and about the estimated date to start with this implementation”. 

Any ECASBA members that know of similar developments in their own countries are invited to provide the details to Antonio directly (mailto:antoniobelmar@agepor.ptwith a copy to this office.’’


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