


SİRKÜLER NO: 6.12 / 675-482 = 27/10/2022

Üyesi bulunduğumuz FONASBA' dan 26.10.2022 tarihinde almış olduğumuz e- posta mesajı aşağıdaki gibidir. 

‘’Dear All, 

We refer to our previous reports regarding the development of the new BIMCO GENCON 2022 charterparty, the participation of Ship Broker Chair Fulvio Carlini FICS in the working group and the inclusion within it of references to the FONASBA Quality Standard. We are now pleased to report that it has now been formally launched by BIMCO, as stated in the undernoted press release. Our congratulations go to BIMCO and the working group on the completion and launch of this landmark document. 

You will also note from the press release that BIMCO are organising a webinar tomorrow, Thursday 27th October, to introduce the new form to the market and we would encourage you to circulate the details of the webinar to those of your members that will be interested in joining.’’

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Genel Sekreter




Ek: GENCON 2022 is available now, register for the launch webinar


Dağıtım: Tüm üyelerimiz