


SİRKÜLER NO: 6.12 / 93-57 = 10/02/2023

Üyesi bulunduğumuz FONASBA' dan 10.02.2023 tarihinde almış olduğumuz e- posta mesajı aşağıdaki gibidir. 

‘’Dear All, 

Further to the previous email (Wednesday 8th February) announcing the launch of the 12th FONASBA/ACB Liner Shipping Transportation course (details attached) it is timely to remind members of the full suite of courses available to companies in membership of national associations and to Associate members themselves. In summary they are: 

-12th FONASBA/ACB Liner Shipping Transportation Course: 30th March – 25th June: 

- 2nd FONASBA/ACB Ro/Ro Shipping Course (in Spanish): Starts 4th May, further details to follow 

-13th FONASBA/ACB Liner Shipping Transportation Course: Starts 21st September, further details to follow 

-2nd FONASBA/ACB Tramp Shipping Course: Starts 5th October, further details to follow 

-FONASBA Agent Diploma in conjunction with ASBA: Runs continuously, students can register to attend at any time: 

-FONASBA Certificate in the Fundamentals of Shipbroking, in conjunction with the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers: Runs continuously, students can register to attend at any time: 

These courses are extremely popular with more than 350 students having taken them to date. An indication of the value of the courses can be gained from the undernoted testimonial from a Jordanian student who participated in the first FONASBA/ACB Tramp Shipping course: "I recently completed the FONASBA ACB "The Shipping Agency in Tramp Business" online course and I was extremely impressed with the quality of education it provided. The course was expertly designed and taught by knowledgeable instructors from the Barcelona Shipping Agents Association, who brought a wealth of experience to the table. I found the course content to be comprehensive, current, and delivered in a way that was both engaging and interactive. I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to expand their knowledge in the tramp shipping industry. It exceeded my expectations and provided a valuable learning experience." 

As has been stated many times before, having a fully qualified and trained workforce is vital in ensuring that ship agents and ship brokers can provide high levels of professional service provision to their principals. A commitment to education is also enshrined in the criteria for the FONASBA Quality Standard and in UN/CEFACT Recommendation 45, Minimum Standards for Ship Agents and Ship Brokers. Investing in education brings benefits way beyond the immediate cost. As many have said, “If you think education is expensive, think about the cost of ignorance!”. 

We would therefore encourage national associations to pass the information on to their members and recommend they sign their employees up for relevant courses.‘’


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Genel Sekreter

Ek1: Acb 12th Liner Course Info Flyer March 2023


Ek2: Acb 12th Liner Course Info Booklet March 2023


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