


SİRKÜLER NO: 6.12 / 816-561 = 16/12/2022

Üyesi bulunduğumuz FONASBA' dan 15.12.2022 tarihinde almış olduğumuz e- posta mesajı aşağıdaki gibidir.

‘’Dear All, 

Further to our previous exchanges in relation to implementation of the European Entry System (EES) and European Traveller Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS), please note that the current entry into service dates for both systems are May 2023 for EES and September 2023 for ETIAS. DG-HOME and eu-LISA (the agency developing the IT systems) are working through the issues that have already pushed the implementation date back and ECASBA is monitoring those actions through our membership of the Carriers Working Group, where we are represented by Jesper Sebbelin FICS of the Danish association. At the last meeting of the group, Jesper enquired as to whether the current EIS dates mentioned above are likely to be maintained but DG-HOME were unwilling to comment.

At the same meeting, participants were provided with a detailed set of Frequently Asked Questions, which we were encouraged to circulate to our members. Those FAQ’s are attached for your information and you may wish to pass them to your members for guidance. Given the extended timelines for implementation, it is expected that further updates will follow as the issues are worked through. Rest assured that as we receive them, we will pass them on. 

We hope the current version is useful and thank Jesper for his continued representation of ECASBA at the Working Group meetings.’’


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Genel Sekreter

Ek: Carrier Faq Presentation - December 2022


Dağıtım: Tüm üyelerimiz