


SİRKÜLER NO: 6.12 / 448-266 = 01/08/2023

Üyesi bulunduğumuz FONASBA' dan 01.08.2023 tarihinde almış olduğumuz e- posta mesajı aşağıdaki gibidir.

''Dear All,

Further to our email of 6th June regarding the European Shipping Summit (19th/20th September 2023) ECASBA is pleased to announce its co-hosting with the World Shipping Council of a session on the impact of drug smuggling on the maritime sector. Entitled “Dangerous Trade; joining forces against drug trafficking” the session will be held on Tuesday 19th September from 1.00 – 2.00 pm.

 A summary of the session can be found below:

“Dangerous Trade: fighting back together against drug trafficking”

According to the UNODC 2021 World Drug Report, around 275 million people worldwide had used drugs in the last year, while over 36 million people suffered from drug use disorders. The criminal gangs behind this trade abuse global supply chains, spreading violence and harm, with ocean carriers, ports and neighbouring communities in Europe feeling the impact ever more urgently in recent years.

The international supply chain carries more than 250 million containers across oceans and borders each year. How can we make sure that these vast amounts of trade are safe, free from illicit cargoes and protected from criminal abuse?

The shipping industry is committed to working in a united front with governments, customs and law enforcement, as well as with shippers, intermediaries and ports to fight drug trafficking in global supply chains. This session will bring together the parties involved to highlight existing efforts and explore new ways to make maritime trade safer, protecting crews, supply chain workers and their communities.

Panel Participants & Format

The format will be a moderated panel discussion, starting with a data overview to set the stage”.

Speakers are still being confirmed but will include representatives of the ship owning, port and ship agency communities (ECASBA speaker), as well as enforcement agencies and customs.

All the sessions on Monday 19th (and there is a day-long programme) are open to anyone, and are free of charge, but prior registration is required. You can also register for the main conference on 20th at the same time. Full information on the Shipping Summit can be found on the website at and on the Linked in page at:

ECASBA Chair Marco Tak and I look forward to welcoming FONASBA and ECASBA delegates to the event.''


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Genel Sekreter


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