


SİRKÜLER NO: 6.12 / 317-192 = 31/05/2023

Üyesi bulunduğumuz FONASBA' dan 30.05.2023 tarihinde almış olduğumuz e- posta mesajı aşağıdaki gibidir.


‘’Dear All, 

Members will be aware that FONASBA is an observer at the BIMCO Documentary Committee, currently represented by President Designate Fulvio Carlini FICS, who attends the twice-yearly meetings of the Committee. Following the meetings, BIMCO publishes details of the contracts and clauses under review, and their status, in the public area of their website at: 

Following the last Documentary Committee meeting, held in Copenhagen at the end of April, the President Designate has highlighted the following contracts and clauses, whose development may be of interest to FONASBA’s broking community. The descriptions are provided by BIMCO.

SYNACOMEX Grain Charter Revision: A revision is underway of the SYNACOMEX 2000 grain voyage charter party of which the French Union for Grains and Seeds Trade (SYNACOMEX) and Armateurs de France (ADF) are the joint copyright holders. BIMCO has established a review committee to consider this widely used charter party which SYNACOMEX and ADF have requested BIMCO to approve. SYNACOMEX 1990 and 2000 have both been approved by BIMCO. 

Russian Oil Cap Scheme Clause: BIMCO has formed a subcommittee to draft a standard clause following the recent decision of the Council of the European Union on 3 December 2022 which sets an oil price cap for crude oil and petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals originating in or exported from Russia. The overall aim is to develop a practical and workable clause which includes addressing the requirement to obtain an attestation in compliance with the decision of the EU Council/G7 coalition and future developments of the regulations. 

SHIPSALE 2022 Sale & Purchase Contract: SHIPSALE 22 is a standard Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for ship sale and purchase. It provides an innovative and comprehensive approach to sale and purchase agreements with clauses following the sequence of events as they play out in a sale and purchase transaction. Copyright in SHIPSALE 22 is held by BIMCO. (A factsheet on SHIPSALE 2022 has been provided by BIMCO and is attached). Under development is also a clause for sale and purchase contracts whereby the buyer of the vessel undertakes to continue to trade the vessel for an agreed period of time. 

The President Designate will continue to attend and monitor developments at the BIMCO Documentary Committee and a summary of its work will be circulated to Members following every meeting. We hope you will find them interesting.’’


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Ek: Shipsale 22 fact sheet


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