
Tariffs > Vessels Passing In Transit > Sanitary Dues



Calculation of Sanitary Dues is as follows:

 0,3803 ( 1 Gold Franc = 4,42 ABD Doları x 0,075 (montreux convention ) = 0,3803 

0,3803 x US Dollar daily buying rate x vessel’s NT

 *    If transit nature of a vessel exercising transit return right is changed, then it shall pay full free vessel sanitary due.

*    Transit vessel sanitary dues paid by the vessel for which transit nature is changed shall be completed to the amount of free vessel sanitary due.

*     If transit vessels returns from the direction they went within six months as transit and submit due receipt or other document during their entry into Turkish straits, transit sanitary due is not collected again. However, if the vessels which are obliged to submit due receipt or other documents fail to submit such then it is mandatory to collect transit vessel sanitary due again. In this case, an additional return right is achieved with the receipt of repayment of such fee.

 *    Transit sanitary due shall be paid not later than within three working days from the date of passage from straits.


(Source: Official Gazette: 9.5.2008 No: 26871-Application Regulation of Vessel Sanitary Due)


1-  Navy vessels

2-  Vessels coming for an official visit,

3- Vessels taking refuge at Turkish Ports for compelling reasons like adverse weather conditions, machine failure, accidents and fires and do not perform any commercial operation at the refuge taking Turkish Ports,

4-  Vessels which are less than 50 NT (including vessels which are 50 NT ),

5- Vessels which lose their character of commercial operation for reasons like collision, fire and sinking and are towed. But their conditions shall be proved by documents taken from Turkish Official Authorities.

Such vessels are exempt from any sanitary dues.


(Source: Web Site of Türkiye Hudut ve Sahiller Sağlık Genel Müdürlüğü)