

Publication Of Regulation 2020/1056 - Electronic Freight Transport İnformation

SİRKÜLER NO: 6.12 /641-519 = 09/09/2020

Üyesi bulunduğumuz FONASBA' dan 09.09.2020 tarihinde almış olduğumuz e- posta mesajı aşağıdaki gibidir.


Dear All,


We refer to the undernoted email relating to the recently published Electronic Freight Transport Information (eFTI) Regulation. Following despatch of the undernoted message, we have been in contact with our colleagues at DG-MOVE to clarify the scope of the Regulation and they have responded as follows:


“Regarding the eFTI Regulation, in very general terms, it concerns digitalisation of data required upon request by authorities during cross-border inland freight transport. There are no direct implications for maritime transport, however goods from/to ports might fall under the scope of this Regulation.

Nevertheless, the work on eFTi implementation will consider maritime transport and EMSWe at the time the data set will be created, to ensure data compatibility between maritime and logistics. We work closely also with colleagues in DG TAXUD to ensure that data provided for maritime transport and customs purposes will be fully compatible and re-usable for the inland leg and vice versa”.


This was what we suspected at the time, but it is good to have formal confirmation of the position. The Regulation will therefore impact on agents engaged in inland transport as part of an integrated supply chain operation, but less so for those engaged in port agency operations.


We trust this latest information will prove useful when notifying your members of the scope and coverage of the Regulation.



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